Tuesday 11 October 2022

Off to a good start!

Year R have settled in and are nearing the end of their first half term already! We have been very busy learning all of the routines of school life and making new friends.

Everybody has completed their own self portrait - we will do these again at the very end of the year to see how our painting and observation skills have developed whilst in Year R.

Lots of developing our gross motor skills to make sure our bodies are ready to write! 

Using different small world set ups helps to use our imagination, develop our communication skills and gives us a chance to play with different children. 

After half term we look forward to seeing the changes in weather and to practising our Nativity - which seems a long way away yet!

Wednesday 13 July 2022

End of the year!


Here are a few highlights from an amazing year with our Early Years children - have a look at all of our blogs from throughout the rest of the year. We are sad to see them move up to year 1 but they are definitely ready and we wish them the best of luck!

Thursday 17 March 2022

Longer days are nearly here...

 As always, we have been super busy in Early Years! This term our topic is Land, Sea & Sky and we have been looking at different animals and the world around us. We have read a lot of different stories including Handa's Suprise, Baby Goes to Market, Rainbow Fish & Sharing a Shell. These books have helped us to see similarities and differences between places and people as well as learning some important things about friendship and sharing.

We are still keeping a track of how our year is going and thinking about the seasons and the weather. We have started to see some early signs of spring on our way to school and in our outdoor area - it has been nice to have some slightly warmer days! So far this half term, we have talked about some different celebrations such as St David's Day & St Patrick's Day - it has been fun to learn about things that are important to different poeple.

In our maths work, we are becoming number experts and can find lots of different ways to make other numbers. When we looked at number 8, lots of children made spiders and octopus creations with the correct number of legs. We have been using a 10s frame to help us see different quantities and work out how many more we would need to fill up the frame. Numberblocks is a firm favourite in Early Years - Octoblock seems to be lots of children's favourite character from the show. 

We are continuing to work on our fine motor skills to keep our hands strong and supple to be ready for writing - Maple Class recently enjoyed weaving different materials into the number frames! As the half term goes on we are looking forward to talking about even more types of celebration and having longer, warmer days. 😎

Thursday 13 January 2022

Spring Term

 It has been lovely to see so many keen faces coming back this term after our Christmas break. We have started our new topic 'Land, Sea, Sky' where we are learning about the world around us. We started with reading 'Handa's Surprise' which has been great for talking about another country and looking at similarities and differences between places as well as talking about different fruits and our preferences. 

In our shared area we have our tricky words displayed - these are the words we have been learning in phonics and we can add to the board as the year goes on.

We have also been looking at how things have changed as the year has gone on and the seasons are changing. We can look at that display to remind us of the things we have already done and we can see how the seasons affect our outdoor area as we compare the photographs throughout the year.

In maths, we are doing a lot of work on subitising and careful counting using a range of different resources. 

Some of our new role play areas for the term include a 'seaside', an 'underwater cave', a 'safari' and a 'pirate ship'.

Each class now has their own set of blocks that can be accessed every day as part of the continuous provision - it has been great to see some of the ideas the children have had with their building. It has also helped to develop our sharing and teamwork skills.

Thursday 14 October 2021

Settled in!

 Everybody is so pleased at how well Early Years have settled in now they have nearly completed their first half term at school. We have been learning our first sounds in phonics - by the end of the half term we will have introduced 's, a, t, p, i, n'. We have been reading different fairytales and practising retelling them by acting them out and using story maps.

We have been practising our letters in different ways.

The children have been helping to make props and decorations for our new roleplay area.

We have been practising teamwork with our new friends.

The children have asked to do some work with Spiderman so we added him to the writing area which got lots of children involved in mark making.

Another exciting addition to Early Years are our Curiosity Cubes. We have been adding different things to these and placing them by the snack area to encourage the children to have discussions with each other. This has helped generate lots of new vocabulary.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Welcome to Early Years!

 Welcome to all our new year R children and their families! Last week we had family meetings so the children could visit their new classroom and this week we have had a lovely stay and play session too. The children have been really good at coming in without their adults and settling in to their classes. They have been making friends with some new children and some have found friends they knew from preschool. 

We have our new small world area and construction zone in the shared area. The classes will get allocated slots where they can access these spaces while they learn to use the resources and practise tidying up after themselves.

We have been exploring our surroundings and getting used to the rules and routines of school. Lots of the children have been drawing and mark making in different areas of their classrooms. We have been using mirrors to look at our skin tone to try and mix paints for our self portraits. Small World role-play has been very popular with the children starting to create their own stories and using lots of sound effects!

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Down on the farm

We are all enjoying our 'down on the farm' topic this half term and have been reading lots of different books about farms, animals and vegetables. This week we have listened to the story 'Supertato' and were inspired to create our own superhero vegetables. We talked about how to attach different parts to our vegetables and the children talked about the special powers they each had. We are very impressed by the results!

We are looking at creating and continuing different patterns. We are exploring patterns with shapes and patterns with colours. Some children have challenged themselves to do both at the same time! This is something we will keep practising in school and that you could practise at home too.

The children explored different techniques to create their own farm animals. They worked with adults to think about different ideas and what materials we could use to collage - over the next days the children had a chance to apply these skills independently in the art area. Our walls are now full of lots of unique farm animals!

As well as all of the farm fun, we are still enjoying all of the other things that school has to offer: sharing books together, learning new sounds in phonics, practising adding and taking away amounts in maths, looking after outdoor area (including keeping an eye on the bug hotel and tadpoles) and much, much more!