Thursday, 23 October 2008

Home Learning Projects

In September we started a new project-based homework initiative. All children have a half-termly task linked to their topic work. Each project involves researching the topic, writing reports, drawing pictures and making models.

Early Years children made models of themselves, Year 1 constructed buildings with moving windows and doors and Year 2 made detailed models of creatures they visited at Marwell Zoo.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Meet Percy!

Year 1 New Role Play Area.

Year 1 children have developed a role play area to support their project work on 'growing'.

Children can use Percy's shed to interact with other pupils about growing things in the garden and learn how the processes work.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

FOBS Update

Our Christmas fayre raised a massive £1282.00, thank you to our sponsor JLS Maintenance.

The next Fobs Third Thursday is 20 March 2.45- 3.15, an Easter hamper will be raffled along with our EGGxiting easter themed event!! Please come along and support us.

We have not only been busy raising money, we have also been busy spending on Class Resources for each year group, Multicultural Workshop, Farm visit for Early years, repairs to Playdale and outdoor play resources.

Our sponsored walk will take place on Saturday 26 April 10.30 till 12 noon. Please put the date in your diaries and join us for some fresh air and exercise. Refreshments will be available.

Looking ahead we will be joining together with Newport school for our Federated Summer Fayre Saturday 14 June 12.00-3.00pm.