Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Year Two's Class Exhibition

'Who am I?' was the intriguing title given to Year Two's home learning project this half term.

Their challenge was to create a scrapbook including a range of things that they do to keep a healthy lifestyle. The scrapbook could include things like a diary, height/weight chart, swimming badges, or anything they could think of that has helped to keep them healthy.

The scrapbooks were superb, and there was real effort put into them.

Great work Year Two, can't wait to see the next exhibition!

Year One's Class Exhibition

Year One's Class Exhibition for this half-term was 'Mechanical Marvels'.

Their challenge was to find out about things that move in and around their homes and then to make a scrapbook of their findings.

There were some wonderful scrapbooks as some of the pictures below will show.

Well done Year One!

Early Years' Class Exhibition

Early Years' class exhibition this half-term was '54321 - Blast Off'.

The challenge was to design and make a vehicle for travelling to the jungle, space, under the sea or desert.

There were some wonderful models created, and some photographs below show how hard all the children worked.

Great work everyone!

Day for Change

On the 5th of February Belle Vue children were invited to wear pyjamas at school for the day if they so wished.

This was in aid of raising money for children in Papua New Guinea.

As part of the United Nations Charter for the Rights of the Child, Belle Vue are learning about Rights, Respects and Responsibility.

Children who took part kindly gave a donation of 50p and we managed to raise a Grand Total of £66.50.

Great to see such a good turn out, even in the snowy weather!!

Monday, 2 February 2009


Belle Vue Infant and Newport Junior Schools will both be closed on Tuesday 3 February 2009.
We have received advice that the temperature is due to go down to -5C overnight, refreezing any thawing snow. Another 5-10cm of snow coming in from the south is forecast for Tuesday morning. The BBC is reporting that travelling conditions for the morning will be "lethal".

The forecast for later on Tuesday is for a thaw, so we fully expect to be open on Wednesday - please check the school website for details.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


The school is closed today (Monday 2nd February 2009) due to the snow.