Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Healthy Hats

Last week was book week and our theme was all about being active and keeping healthy. On Friday we were asked to wear a hat to assembly decorated with a healthy theme. Birch Class decided to put their favourite five a day on their hats.

Sport's Relief 2010 - What did YOU do?

Friday, 26 March 2010

Playground Equipment!

This week Year 1 visited their local park and looked at the different types of play equipment.
Some of us enjoyed having a go on the see-saw, whilst others enjoyed playing on the slide.

When we got back to class we designed a piece of equipment, thinking about how it would move, the colours and how to make it secure.
Here are some of our creations!

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Let's get Active in the Community!

As part of our 'Let's Get Active' week at school, we held a 'Let's get active in the community' event after school on Thursday. We had lots of different organisations visit us who specialise in providing fun and active challenges for children of all ages including: Tennis Together, Little Squirtz, Theresa Hawkins Dance School, Beavers and Dance Classes for Children.

We watched some amazing dancing and had lots of fun playing parachute games with the Little Squirtz! We also found out about ways in which we could swap our daily snacks for something more healthy and sampled the delicious meals provided by the school caterers.

We had lots of fun 'Being Active' this week - why don't YOU GET ACTIVE!

Healthy schools week

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Get plenty of sleep.

  • Eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

  • Be active.

This is what we have been learning about during healthy schools week. During the week we had lots of visitors including students from Connaught school, a Nurse, a Librarian and Community Police Support Officers.

Have a look at the photographs and read their top tips for keeping healthy.

Let's go Roald Dahl!

Oak Class are really enjoying book week. We have all dressed up as book characters to celebrate. Here are the characters from the Roald Dahl books. Can you spot Miss Honey from Matilda? There are lots of characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Who do you think has dressed up as an Oompa Loompa?!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Let's Get Active

Last week Belle Vue got active for Sport's Relief.

On Friday we all wore funny socks and brought in a silver coin to donate to Sport's Relief. We also spent some time with Luke who taught us some games to play using a football. As well as that each class spent 30 minutes doing non-stop exercise in aid of this special day. As you can see we had lots of fun!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Lila and the Secret of the Rain

Plane class performed an assembly about water today.

We acted out the story of Lila and the Secret of the Rain, sang lots of songs and used musical instruments when performing a rain dance.

We now know that it is our right to have clean water to drink and wash. However, it is also our responsibility to not waste our water.

Year 1 Toy Talk!

A lovely lady came in from Farnham museum to talk about toys from the past. We asked her some questions to find out about the toys.

Harley asked what materials the toys were made from. She showed us toys made from wood, metal and glass.

The lady described how to play with some of the toys. Some of us were allowed to have a go.

Baa Baa here and a Baa Baa there!

This half term, the Early Years topic has been about life down on the farm. We have been looking at the different animals on a farm, what they produce and the role of the Farmer.

We started off the topic the best way possible, with Emma from Millers Ark Farm coming into school with their farm animals for the day! The children in Ash, Maple and Cherry class dressed up as Farmers and ventured into the Early Years outside area to find that it had been taken over by a variety of animals roaming around the grass.

We had lots of fun not only looking at the farm animals, but also holding and learning how to take care of them! We met Larry the Lamb, who was only a week old! Pinky and Perky the Kune Kune Pigs, and the three Billy Goats Gruff. We brushed the donkeys brown fur, from their head to their tail, and held the hen's in our arms.

Crafty Fingers Art Club

In Art club this term we have been working very hard to produce a wonderful textiles wall hanging to be entered into a competition at the West End Arts Centre. The competition has been set up to raise awareness of the local countryside and will be exhibited on Saturday 20th March at the West End Arts Centre. Please come along and support us and enjoy a super day out exploring the exhibition of work and variety of workshops that are being put on.


We are very proud to announce that Belle Vue's after-school club pulled out a show stopping routine at the NEHSSP's Dance Challenge 2010 last Thursday, coming back to school with the award for "Best Choreography".

We started the day with performing the routine infront of the whole school in assembly, kitted out in our Belle Vue t-shirts, especially designed for the event by Calligrafic. The Belle Vue children and teachers loved the dance (with a few tears of excitement and joy from some members of staff!) and everyone had their fingers crossed for the performance later that day.

After lunch, we set off for the Princes' Hall in Aldershot for the event we had been working towards for the past six weeks. We had a great afternoon experiencing what life is like in the big lights with our own dressing room and backstage runners to come and get us when it was our turn to perform! The "Believe in Belle Vue" troop did a fantastic job, dancing their hearts out and filling the stage with their smiles. Parents were full of pride and the audience members clapping to the beat. Everyone there representing the school jumped for joy when it was announced in the prize giving ceremony that Belle Vue had won "Best Choreography".

We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to the many adults that have helped us with this event over the past few weeks, especially Mrs Ross for the selling of the tickets in the school office and Mrs Cronin for letting the children have their lunches early so we can have extra practice times at lunch. And of course, not forgetting the parents who have done nothing but shown support to us and the children.

For those parents of children who took part in the competition, the professional photographs are now available on If you do choose to order any photographs, it would be great if you could bring them in to show us!

Also, we have had the order form for purchasing the DVD of the performances (at the cost of £5 per DVD). So if you would like a copy, please see Mrs Ross at the school office.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Bubbles of Science and Fun

This week the Belle Vue/Newport Federation is busy celebrating science week with an exciting range of experiments for all the children. Mrs Fieldgate, Newport's able child co-ordinator, organised a special "hands on " fun bubble workshop for Year 2, ably assisted by some super scientists from Newport Year 6.

The workshop enabled the children to learn how to make cuboid bubbles instead of the usual spheres. ( A task that required quite a bit of practise!).

The children also carried out an investigation as to which solution made the best bubbles.

Yes- Fairy is the best ! Year 2 also learnt that water has a skin- like layer called surface tension and lots of insects like pondskaters and water boatmen use this to move around on the top of water in ponds and lakes.

Pupils also experimented using bubbles to create interesting paintings.

The afternoon finished off with the children singing that old favourite "I'm forever blowing bubbles".Thank you to all who took part, both children and adult helpers

Monday, 15 March 2010

Nocturnal animals

This week Year 2 are learning about the celebrity David Attenborough. Today we became mini David Attenboroughs and learnt about animals that come out at night time. These types of animals are called nocturnal.
Here is one of our presentations.

Tesco school vouchers!

We have started collecting the Tesco school vouchers. This year some of the things we are collecting for include triangular raised beds, bird tables, butterfly and ladybird houses as well as English and Mathematics resources.

We would really appreciate your help in reaching our target of 17,000 vouchers.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Float or Sink?

What happens if you drop a ball of playdough into a bucket of water?

Now flatten it out into the shape of a boat. What happens now? Why?

Science club used their knowledge of floating and sinking to make sailing boats.

Why not try it at home?

You will need:-

the lid from a coffee jar (or similar - check that it floats)

a straw

a little bit of blue tack

triangular paper sail

First hole punch your sail.

Then decorate it (if you want to).

Next feed the straw through the holes in the sail.

After that stick the blue tack in the middle of the lid.

Now stick the sail into the blue tack.

Finally set sail in your bath or sink.


Handa's Surprise

Whitebeam class visited Africa this morning telling the story of "Handa's Surprise" with a naughty zebra stealing fruit and a cross goat knocking tangerines from the tree. Whitebeam class gave us a set of instructions on how to make a fruit salad before demonstrating this through their fruit salad dance. The finale was a performance of African drumming practised during Arts week.

Well done Whitebeam class - it was fab!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

"Believe In Belle Vue"

Belle Vue's after school dance club are proud to announce that after 6 weeks of hard work and moving to the beat, the time has arrived where we will be performing at North East Hampshire School Sport Partnership's annual Dance Challenge 2010 competition at the Princes' Hall in Aldershot on Thursday 11th March.
We have been working on a pop-jazz routine to 'I Believe' from the street dance film Honey ready to compete against other infant schools in the area this Thursday. We will be judged on four different areas - best soundtrack, best performance, best choreography and best costumes, as well as an overall prize.

So please keeps your fingers crossed for us!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Are you a 'Wizkid'?

This week sees the launch of 'wizkid', the Federation's virtual learning platform. Every child at Belle Vue School will be issued with their own unique user name and password which they can use to access their work and learning resources at home, in a local library, on an Internet enabled games console ... basically anywhere where they have Internet access!

To access wizkid, you will need your unique user name and password. Go to our website and click on the 'Links' button. Find the wizkid icon and click through and log on.

Did you enjoy a particular lesson in school? Well now you can share your learning with your parents through your 'wizkid' account. Simply log on to access learning resources such as: flipcharts, powerpoints, galleries or to contribute to chat or discussion groups set up by your teacher.

Remember - there will also be an area for the school council where you can post your views and read others. 'Wizkid' will change the way we can all access out learning!

Stay E-Safe!

This week is E-Safety Week!
We have learnt about how to stay safe when using the internet or talking to people using other technologies.
To help us understand how to keep safe we wanted Lee and Kim's adventure, a cartoon showing some children making some difficult choices when using the internet.

Here is our version of the cartoon.

We now know about keeping personal information private when talking to strangers.

We all follow SID's Top Tips!

This week we have been learning about how we can keep ourselves safe when using computers and mobile phones. This is called E-Safety.

We watched a brilliant cartoon called: Lee and Kim's Magic Adventure and Met SID - a superhero who knows how to be E-Safe!

He taught us to never tell strangers any personal information and to tell an adult we trust if we see or hear something whilst using computers or mobile phones which makes us uncomfortable.

If you want to learn more about E-Safety, why don't you visit the E-Safety area on Wizkid!
Have fun on computers everyone and remember to follow SID's Top Tips!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Come and Play!

This term Year 1 are learning about toys from the past.
Our roleplay area has been changed into a toy shop. We are enjoying playing with all of it, especially the money.
We also brought in some of our parents' old toys to show our friends.

What toys did your parents play with when they were little?