Thursday, 29 April 2010

Developing the Wildlife Area

On Saturday 24th April parents, governors and staff were all involved in clearing our wildlife area.

We cleared the pond saving tadpoles, newts and frogs for the children to enjoy in their science lessons.

We developed a teaching area. Having dug out the grass and filled the hole with bark we installed a small fence and are now awaiting our oak logs for seating.

Some of us were involved in clearing the prickly
brambles to develop a summer meadow. This
will encourage a wide variety of butterflies and
insects to visit us.

After an exhausting day we were delighted with the results. Come and take a walk along our nature trail and visit our beautiful pond area!

Thank you to all staff, parents and governors involved in creating a wonderful wildlife area for the children of Belle Vue.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Early Years enter the world of Fantasy and Fairy tale

'FEE FI FO FUM, I SMELL THE BLOOD OF AN ENGLISHMAN' said the Giant to the children of Early Years this week as we began a new and exciting topic for the Summer term.

We have started looking at fantasy and fairy tales with a new topic of 'Once Upon A Time'. This week we have listened to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and we have started to grow our own plants. We have talked about what our seeds will need to help them grow, as well as act our stories in the Giant's Castle and role-play in our Garden centre in the new shared area.

What can you do at home to help your child with this topic? For ideas, have a look at the Early Years topic newsletter that has come home this week!