Tuesday, 14 December 2010

A Special Visit from some Firefighters

Today, Year 1 had a visit from 3 Firefighters, Nick, Dave and Paul. They taught us all about fire safety. We saw the special uniform they would wear to keep them safe.

We also got to take a ride in their fire engine! We enjoyed the flashing lights and loud siren. Some of us even got to drive the vehicle.

Finally, we had a go at using the hose to put out a fire.

Now if we see a fire we will remember to Get Out! Stay Out! Call 999!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Schools OPEN!

Monday 6th December 2010

Both Belle Vue and Newport Schools will be open as normal today.

We are looking forward to sharing your poems and pictures from your snow days. Bring your work in to share with your class - the best examples will go on display!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Belle Vue and Newport Schools Closed Today

Friday 3rd December 2010

Unfortunately, due to continuing adverse weather, both Belle Vue School and Newport School will be closed today.

A new date for the Newport Christmas Fayre will be posted here soon as will any further updates.

Well done to the following children who have already submitted excellent poems through wizkid: Kyle, Kaitlyn, Shannon. Aimee, Arran, Christian, Ellie and Rhiann. Log on to wizkid to read them and to post your own!

If your children cannot log onto wizkid, then here are some ideas for what they can do:

1.) Have a go at writing your own snow poem. You could describe how the snow looks, feels, tastes, smells and sounds. Can you illustrate your poem and bring it in for display?

2.) Can you create a poster to advertise the forthcoming Christmas Plays? The best posters will be used in school!

3.) Fruit and vegetable pictogram/graphs!
Have a look in your kitchen and count how many different types of fruit or vegetables you have. How many of each type do you have? Create a graph or pictogram showing us. We will create a display back in school.

Finally...be safe and wrap up warm!