Friday, 21 October 2011

Book week

On Thursday Mrs. Balsom came in to read a story book with a difference.

The children had to listen very carefully to follow the story because it was not in English but in German.

The story was all about a little girl called Marie and her black cat.

Every time the children saw a picture of Marie's cat, they said the German word Katze.

Well done Whitebeam class - we are learning how to say words in lots of different languages.

Thank you Mrs. Balsom for reading to us.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Weald and Downland Museum

On Monday Year 1 visited the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum as part of our topic about materials and houses.

We set off in two coaches and were very excited when we went through the new tunnel at Hindhead. When we arrived at the Weald and Downland Museum it was a beautiful, sunny autumn day.

Some of us enjoyed a building blocks workshop where we looked at the materials used to make houses in the past and today. Others from our class found out more about all the jobs people had to do to look after their house a hundred years ago.

We looked at all the different houses and buildings at the museum. We saw inside the watermill and found out how wheat was ground to make flour.

Some of us saw inside a Victorian village school. It was tiny and it didn't have the computer or books and toys that we have today.

Mr. Waller's visit

On Tuesday morning, Year 1 had a visit from Mr. Waller. He came in to talk to us about his job as a builder.

Mr. Waller showed us the hard hat he wears on the building site to keep himself safe. He showed us the special boots with steel toe caps, just in case something falls on his feet. We loved the bright yellow high-visibility jacket he wears so that everyone on the building site can see him and he doesn't get squashed!

Mr. Waller brought along some of the tools that he uses. He showed us a tape measure, a hammer and a spirit level. He showed us how the bubble in the spirit levels lets us know if things are absolutely straight. The walls in Oak class are straight - phew!

We asked lots of questions about what he does first when building a swimming pool and saw photographs of enormous swimming pool shaped holes before and after they were covered in cement and beautiful blue tiles.

Thank you Mr. Waller. We really enjoyed your visit.