Thursday, 31 January 2013

Cool Castle Creations!

Year 2 have started 2013 in a very royal way! Our topic this half term is 'In a Land of Magic' and we have jumped straight in, having a week all about castles and who lives in them!

In Maths, we have been exploring shape. We thought about which 3D shapes would be used to create a castle. We have also decorated castles with repeating shape patterns.

On Thursday we all went outside to enjoy making our very own castle from cardboard boxes. We made sure that the castle had arrow slits, battlements and towers. How do you think we did?

We also created our own family crests to display around our castle.

To finish our day we thought more about who lived in castles. We learnt about kings and queens from History, such as Henry VIII and William the Conqueror.

On Friday we all made a big effort and came in dressed up as characters that could be in a fairytale castle. We worked in groups to plan a story and then acted it out, ensuring that everyone lived happily ever after!

We have had a wonderful week as you can see! Why not try making a castle of your own at home?