Once upon a time in a town called Aldershot there was a school called Belle Vue Infants and all of the children in Reception had been learning all about fairytales...
fun filling and emptying bottles, spoons, bowls and cups.
Last week we looked at the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. We all measured, mixed and rolled the dough to make our gingerbread men and fortunately while our teachers were cooking them they didn't run away! We used icing and decorations to finish our gingerbread men and then we were all allowed to take them home and eat them one bit at a time just like the sneaky fox in the story!
This week we are learning about the 'Three Billy-Goats Gruff', we will be using the trim-trail in our playground to re-enact the story 'trip, trap, trip, trap...'.
Have a good rest over the Easter holidays...and don't eat too many chocolate eggs!