Thursday, 11 July 2013

Spectacular Science in YR!

Last week Reception had a very special treat.
Dr Adam LeGresley came into school and showed us some exciting science experiments.
There were explosions of fizzy drinks, volcanoes made from ingredients you find in the kitchen and even some colour changing liquid!
We found out that everything we see is made up of tiny balls called atoms!
We were all very excited and asked lots of questions.
Some of us even want to be scientists when we grow up!
Thank you Dr Adam!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Meet Roxy the Rhino!

This year at Belle Vue we have been involved in a very exciting project...

The children took part in a school competition to design our rhino and we had lots of fantastic entries!
In the end we decided that a colourful circle design was a winning combination, we then managed to get everyone in school to fingerprint thier faces onto Roxy (even the teachers!) then we added some glitter to make her stand out from the crowd.
And here she is...Roxy the Rhino!

Roxy has now returned to Marwell Zoo where she will be kept safe until the exhibition around Southampton.
On Tuesday the 9th July the rhinos will begin to 'charge in' to the centre in a  spectacular parade.
The rhino trail officially starts on Saturday 13th July and will be ongoing throughout the summer holidays. Why not take a trip and see if you can find Roxy and your fingerprint face!
Roxy will be based at: Southampton Central Library, Civic Centre, SO14 7LW.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part in this exciting project.
Happy rhino seeking!