Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Splish Splash Splosh!

Welcome back to school

This half term our Year 2 topic is Splish Splash Splosh! 

We have received a message in a bottle from pirates asking for help to find a new home because after many years sailing the seven seas they now want to build a home on land.
In class we have thought about the best locations to settle down and we are now finding out more about the weather in different parts of the world and the effect it has on the people who live there.
Can you find out more about the weather by watching and listening to the weather forecast at home?

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Settling into Year R

The children have been settling in happily.  There is lots for them to do and they are very busy indeed!

Hannah counting the animals.

Gracie and Jacob painting.

Alice sorting the transport shapes.

Jack and Elwyn being creative with the Interstar building 'robotmobile'!

Joseph made a huge tower!

Brooke, Megan, Holly and Lucie are carefully counting pegs!

Violet and Harry enjoy exploring natural objects in our comfy corner.

Knock, Knock, Who's There?

Welcome back to school!
We have nearly finished the first full week in Year 1 and the children have settled in brilliantly.

We have started our topic by looking at the traditional tale The Three Little Pigs. Exploring this story has helped us to think about counting, materials and story telling. Yesterday we went on a walk to see what materials have been used to build the homes in our local area. We also started to think about how houses can be different and we spoke about the difference between detatched, semi-detatched and terraced houses.

Later in our topic we will be helping the pigs to decide which material is best to make a house from. What do you think we will decide on?