Monday, 20 June 2016


Over the last term Year One have been outside exploring. 
To begin we had an 'Explorer Day' in our school grounds.We tested different materials and built different structures to find out which would make the best shelter.
We decided our shelters should be waterproof and strong.
When we tested them with water we found out that the plastic and the parachute materials were best at keeping us dry.

Then we went on a minibeast hunt to find out which creatures lived in our school grounds.  We searched in the wildlife area, under the trees and on the playground.  We found animals hiding under logs and stones and resting on leaves.
This week we went on a visit to Hillier Gardens.  We found out more about how plants grow and we saw lots of different plants.  We were fantastic at finding things that didn't belong on the trees during our treasure hunt including a dinosaur and a hairbrush!


Friday, 10 June 2016

The Queen's Birthday

Weighing carefully.

The children in year 2 were set the challenge of following a recipe to make some delicious cupcakes for the Queen's birthday tea party.

Carefully cracking the eggs!

They had to weigh out the ingredients carefully, crack the eggs themselves & make sure the ingredients were mixed thoroughly.
Teamwork to mix the cake mixture.

Once the cupcakes were baked the children had to draw some designs for decorating them and then got to use lots of different toppings to decorate their own cupcake. Finally, they were allowed to take them home to eat...luckily there were some left over for the teachers to taste!

Our beautifully decorated cakes - fit for the Queen!

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Year R go exploring at Bocketts Farm

In May Year R went on an adventure to Bocketts Farm. We have been learning all about the Farm and the different animals, so it was very exciting to see a real working farm.
We had the opportunity to go on a very bumpy tractor ride around the farm, we had to hold on very tight as we looked out for lots of different animals.

We also saw a goat being milked and met lots of animals and their young in the big barn.

We had to be very quiet and gentle when meeting some small animals.

For many of us the most exciting part of the day was the pig race! We had lots of fun cheering as loud as we could for our pigs, at the finish orange pig won!

We had loads of fun at the farm!