Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Settling into Early Years

Early years children have settled in amazingly well to life at Alderwood Infant School. They have been exploring phonics and maths as well as developing their social skills and working on their motor skills. They have made lots of new friends and they are growing in confidence every day!

 The children had a chance to make their own pieces of poppy art work for Remembrance Day which we have proudly displayed in our class windows.

Now we are hard at work practising for our Nativity Play which involves lots of singing and actions and even a few lines for some children to say. We have been practising using our big, loud voices on the stage. We hope we will see you all for our performances soon!

Year 2 2017

In a Land of Magic

In the Autumn term we have been learning about fairy tales and Kings and Queens.
We had great fun on our trip to Windsor Castle where we learnt about the features of castles and how they have changed over the years.

We also enjoyed finding out about gargoyles and even got to make our own ones out of clay.

In the classroom we looked closely at different fairy tales and wrote our own mixed up versions. We also learnt about the Hampshire Ridgeback Dragon and then used our imagination to create our own dragon and write a report on it.

Year 1 2017


In the Autumn term we had fun learning about dinosaurs. 
We made amazing dinosaurs at home using different 3D shapes and in school we named and used 2D shapes to make dinosaur collages.

In the classroom we looked closely at different fossils and we particularly liked the enormous ammonite we found.  Later we used clay to make our own fossils and practised our sketching skills when drawing the fossils.