Thursday, 4 October 2018

Year 2

In a Land of Magic

We have had a fantastic and busy start to Year 2. This half term we have been learning about traditional tales and alternative versions of them. We have read the Wolf's Story and have done lots of role play acting out how the wolf has been misunderstood and isn't so bad after all.

Image result for wolfs story

We have also been working hard in history, learning about the different Queens that have ruled England and had an exciting visit to Windsor Castle.

It was really exiting as we got to dress up and learnt how to become a knight.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Year 1


We have had a fantastic start to Year 1 with our exciting topic about dinosaurs.  This week we had an egg hunt and found dinosaur eggs hidden in our school grounds!  We are looking forward to finding out what happens to them next.

We have looked closely at fossils and have practised our sketching skills.  Also we have made colourful dinosaur collages and paper sculptures.


We loved listening to the story 'The Dinosaurs are Having A Party' and one morning we came into school to find that the dinosaurs had had a party in our classrooms. We have written our own party invitations and thank you letters for the presents the dinosaurs left behind.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Early Years

We have been reading lots of different stories over the past couple of weeks but we have done lots of work on Billy Goats Gruff & Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

We have been learning lots of different letters and numbers in Early Years. Now we have to spend time practising how to write them down. We have practised drawing in sand, glitter, with chalk... We have also enjoyed using the interactive whiteboards to draw and write.  We have been using a sandtimer to help us take turns and know when it is time for somebody else to have a go. 

In Early Years we spend a lot of time developing our gross and fine motor skills. We are working a lot on making our hands stronger which will help us when we are learning to write. There are lots of chances for us to use different resources such as hole-punches, paintbrushes and different pens.