Friday, 11 January 2019

Under The Sea!

Have a look at the amazing art work that Early Years have made on their first week back in school after Christmas...can you guess what we might be learning about?

Our first book this half term was 'The Rainbow Fish' - the children had chances to create their own Rainbow Fish as well as other sea creatures. We enjoyed the story because we liked when the Rainbow Fish learnt to share with his friends. We talked about how we show friendship and what things it takes to be a good friend. Lots of the children have been using these friendship skills with their friends! 

Outside, the children worked as a team to create some giant fish using bamboo canes and tissue paper. They used different effects on each of the fish and they are hung around the Early Years area. 

Perhaps you could try and make some of your own sea creatures at home out of different materials and take some pictures to upload onto Tapestry. We love seeing what you have been getting up to at home. 

Next week we will be reading 'Sharing a Shell' and thinking more about how to be a good friend and what to do when our friends don't always want to do the same thing as us. 

Keep an eye out for some of the brilliant work going on display in the classrooms!