Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Spring Term - Year 4

The past few weeks have been very busy in Year 4!

We visited Farnham Museum and discovered even more interesting facts about Anglo-Saxon life. We learnt about the different types of food that Anglo-Saxons ate, and we all tried some bread that was made using a real Anglo-Saxon recipe!

We also got the chance to be archaeologists, and we worked as a group to search through a sand pit to find ancient Anglo-Saxon artefacts. It was such a fun trip that we all really enjoyed – some of us even got to dress up in Anglo-Saxon clothing!

We are currently working really hard to make Viking Longboats, and are looking forward to showing you them!

Friday, 22 March 2019

Fruit & Veg Shop

Welcome to our new fruit and veg shop! The children have loved taking it in turns to be the shopkeepers and the customers. We have got some real fruit and vegetables to use which has encouraged lots of talk about healthy eating choices. This week we have been looking at different coins and talking about their value so we have also enjoyed having real money in our tills to use. 

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Year 2 Spring Term

This term started with a very exciting visit from Captain Rockycliffe! We learnt all about pirates, real ones and fictional ones. We had great fun acting out the story of the Pirate Cruncher and had some amazing ideas about the sorts of adventures pirates have.

We also got to design and make our very own pirate ship. Then we tested it to see if it was waterproof or not!

We then moved on to our topic "Be the Best",  where we have been thinking about superheroes.
We have enjoyed pretending to be a superhero  and coming up with different powers we would love to have.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Spring Term in Year 1


At the beginning of the Spring Term, we enjoyed finding out about SPACE!
We enjoyed an exciting visit to the Science Centre in Winchester where we found out more about the planets in the planetarium and raced our own rockets!

One morning, when we came into class we found a spaceship had crash landed into our kitchen garden. We wrote information to help others know how to look after one of the aliens.

In our art lessons we used chalks to create our own fantastic space pictures.



This half term, we have been learning about toys.  We have talked about our own favourite toys and researched which toys are popular in Year R and in Year 2. 

We loved designing and making our own brilliant pop-up toys.


Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Traditional Tales

This half term we are learning lots of traditional tales and fairy stories. We have been enjoying reading different versions of our stories. The children have been choosing to read these stories to each other in their learning time. 

So far we have read Jack and the Beanstalk, the Gingerbread Man and this week we are reading Little Red Riding Hood. We have been doing lots of activities related to the different stories and characters. This morning, some children made 'cone characters' completely independently. We have become experts and using our scissors to cut carefully and complete challenges like this without giving up!

Last week, World Book Day was perfectly timed to fit in with our learning. Lots of the children came dressed as characters from stories we have read this year. We all wrote about which characters we dressed as and talked about why we dressed as them. Lots of the children challenged themselves to writing their own stories or writing about their character. We were very impressed with Leo's writing about his character, the Gruffalo. We think his drawing is just fabulous! "The Gruffalo is massive."

The children always have access to using the class interactive whiteboard and they have been practising their phonics in their independent learning time and writing words and sentences too. 

Keep tuned for more photos of our work and for our upcoming fairy-tale ball!