Friday, 21 June 2019


We are very excited that all of our chicks have successfully hatched. The final one came out of the incubator today to join her friends. They are all pecking at the food and drinking their water. Have a look underneath the pictures to see some of the observations the children have made about our feathery visitors...

'Chicken is drink water' Franciszek (Maple)
'They have got out the eggs' Faiz (Maple)
'They've got beaks' Adam (Maple)

'First they weren't hatched and they weren't big and they weren't in the bigger box' Joseph (Cherry)
'The chicks have hatched' Abbatha (Cherry)
'Some are in the box' Charlie WG (Cherry)

'I saw the chick going out (the incubator) and being put in with his friends' Bhaveesha (Ash)
'They hatched' Estrella (Ash)
'They're a box on the table so we can see them' Penelope (Ash)

Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Our eggs have arrived and we are very excited to look after them.

Hopefully by the end of the week all of the chicks will have hatched and we will be able to watch them grow.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Building Work!

As lots of our parents will have seen, the builders have been busy working on part of our outdoor area. We are very excited to see the progress - they have even been out working in the pouring rain! It has been exciting to see the different machines moving about. We look forward to it being finished so we can have even more space to play outside.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Down on the Farm

We can't believe it but we are in our last half term of Early Years! This year has flown by so far and the children have grown up so much and are almost ready to move to year 1.

This half term we are learning about out topic 'Down on the Farm'. We are looking forward to our first school trip next week to Bocketts Farm. To get ready we will be learning about things that are grown on farms, the types of animals you might find on a farm and about how animals change from being babies to adults.

Our new role-play areas are farm shops so we can practise writing shopping lists and using real coins to pay for our shopping.