Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Settling in to school life!

The children have already started to settle in brilliantly to life at Alderwood School. They are getting used to the routines and finding new friends. 

We have been sharing some of the 'chatter boxes' they have brought in with them - these have pictures or items from home that they can talk about with their friends and teachers. It has been a good way to get to know more about each other. Lots of the children spent ages decorating their boxes too! 

Something that all of the children have been enjoying is mark-making in different ways. We have been finding different ways to make our bodies ready to write and draw. Have a look at some of the fun activities we have been doing to help develop our motor skills.

All of the children have been joining in with lots of songs and rhymes. Soon we will be learning songs for our Harvest Assembly (which the parents and carers can come and watch!) so we are sure you will be hearing lots of these at home too!

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Welcome to Alderwood!

A big welcome to all of the children and their families starting at Alderwood School! So far the children have been coming in for shorter sessions to help them settle in but they have already been very busy. We have already been playing outside, playing with our new friends, mark-making in different ways, painting, mixing colours, building with blocks, playing with the computers and much, much more! 

In the next few weeks we will be reading lots of familiar stories such as 'The Three Little Pigs' and singing different nursery rhymes. We will send home pictures and words from some of the stories we share in school so you can look at them together to encourage the children to talk about what they have been doing in school.