Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Fire Fire Fire!

Fire, Fire, Fire!
We have really enjoyed this half term finding out about the Great Fire of London. We were amazing at remembering facts. At the beginning of the topic, these are some of the questions we wanted to investigate. Find the answers at the bottom of the page!

Where did the fire start?
Why did the fire spread?
How long did the fire last?
How do we know about the fire?

In our art lessons we explored colour. We found out more about primary colours and used these to make our own secondary colours. We looked at work by Piet Mondrian and even created some of our own. Using colours inspired by the Great Fire of London we made a woven pattern. 


  In English we have enjoyed reading Wow! Said the Owl which inspired us to write our own stories about an owl’s journey discovering colours around the world.

 This has linked with our Geography and Science topics as we have found out about different animals including birds and have created maps from an aerial (bird’s eye) view.

We hope you enjoyed watching our Christmas show as much as we enjoyed performing it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Year 1 Team.
Here are the answers we found out:
Thomas Farriner’s bakery in Pudding Lane.
For many reasons including; the materials the houses were made of, houses were close together and it was very dry and windy at that time.
From Sunday the 2nd September 1666 – Thursday 6th September 1666
From eye witness sources such as Samuel Pepys.



Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Year 2 A Growing Adventure

A Growing Adventure

We have had another busy half term learning about dragons, looking at how plants grow, raising money for children in need and even learning how to wash a woolly mammoth!
In October we had news that a dragon called the Hampshire Ridgeback Dragon had been spotted flying over Aldershot! We learnt all about this dragon and this inspired us to write reports about our own dragons.

We also had lots of fun raising money for Children in Need and had to investigate where Pudsey had disappeared to. We made wanted posters and helped Pudsey prepare for his Children in Need party with some exciting maths problems to solve!

As the weather got colder, we had a think about how that can affect plants. We explored the school grounds to see if we could spot different types of plants and flowers and used these to create some amazing sketches and collages.  

We have also had great fun reading and exploring the books 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' and 'Clockwork Dragon'.

Now it's almost Christmas we're very busy doing lots of festive things. The Christmas plays were amazing and we all did such a great job learning all the lines, songs and dances.

We're so excited for Christmas but can't wait to find out what next term has in store for us!

Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Christmas is nearly upon us! We are all very proud of the children and their hard work for their nativity play - thank you to all the families that encouraged the children at home and practised lines and songs. We hope you'll agree that they did a fantastic job!

Our children have been working hard in their "Santa's Workshop" role-play areas practising wrapping up presents and making cards. There have been lots of Christmas crafts happening including making paper-chains and making snacks to sell at our Christmas Fair.

Over the holidays, please remember to read different books and spend time playing games and practising taking turns. We can't wait to hear what you will all have been doing with your time at home.