Thursday, 26 November 2020

Getting creative!

The children in Early Years have settled in amazingly well, especially as lots of them hadn't been able to go to nursery before coming to school this year. We have spent time learning different sounds in phonics and are starting to read simple words using these sounds. We have mostly been practising careful counting and writing numbers in maths activities.

The children have enjoyed getting creative in their art areas with different media and materials. We have made 'Numberblocks Stampolines' to look at different ways we can make numbers.  

For Remembrance Day, the children used different printing techniques to create some beautiful poppy art. Some of it is on display in the classrooms and there is a lovely display which combines work from all of the classes in our shared area.

Our new roleplay areas are a big hit! Last half term we had areas linked to our fairy-tales topic. This half term we have a NASA space station, a hairdressers and a doctors surgery. The children have loved exploring the different resources and playing together cooperatively. 

Now we are all busy practising for our Christmas performance which will be filmed on the 8th December. 


Friday, 9 October 2020

Year 1



All the children have been enjoying the new and exciting things that keep arriving in our Toy Box. Most recently we have found a teddy bear and a book ‘The Everywhere Bear’. We loved hearing all about the other books by Julia Donaldson that you liked and other stories about bears that you know.  
In class, the children have been making ‘lost posters’ to help the children in the story find the Everywhere Bear.
In History, we became time travelers, finding out what toys children played with in different decades and even found out what the teachers in our class liked to play with when they were younger. Our classroom even turned into a toy museum for us to discover and investigate toys from the past.


We have been designing our own pop-up toy in DT and will be making it very soon. The designs the children created were amazing and imaginative. Here are some of the fantastic designs.




We have enjoyed receiving the lovely work, videos and comments from the children in Year 1 on Seesaw. We always love seeing things you get up to at home and really appreciate all the fantastic support from parents. 

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Welcome to Year 2

All the children have had a great start to Year 2 and have really impressed their teachers. 

We have had a busy start and got straight back into learning lots of new and exciting things. 

In the first week we discovered that there were pictures all over the playground. We soon investigated them and found that they all belonged in a fairy tale. We had a lovely discussion about about the fairy tales that we know really well. In English, we focused on Little Red Riding Hood and have done lots of great descriptive work on the characters. 

Well done Year 2 for an amazing first couple of weeks!


Year One

 Well done!

All the children have made a fantastic start to Year 1 and are already enjoying this half term's topic which is

 'A Toy Story' .

In our classrooms a toy box has arrived and we have been finding different things inside including a robot and the story 'Rusty The Squeaky Robot'.  We loved hearing the versions of the story you made at home using your own sound effects!

In science we have identified and described different materials around the school and we linked this to our art lessons when we made fantastic collage robots. 

We are looking forward to finding out what will be in our toy box next week.  We will let you know.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

We can't wait to meet you!

 The Early Years team have been busy getting the classrooms ready for the new children to start in September and things are starting to take shape. We are very excited to welcome the children into Ash, Cherry & Maple Class ready to have lots of fun and learn lots of new things!

There are lots of resources ready for you to use.

We will think about how we can 'Be The Best'.

We will learn lots of new things, like how to read different tricky words!

Monday, 13 July 2020

Week 7 - PSHE

Year 2 - Week 6 - WOW Wall!

We can't believe this is the last week before the summer holidays.  We had such a busy week last week and we are looking forward to what this week will hold.  Last week we finished our autobiographies and we really enjoyed writing them.  Mrs Slater has received some from the children who will be in her class in September and she has really enjoyed reading them.

We have loved Maths this week, looking at fractions and equivalent fractions.  We have worked so hard.  Our favourite topic has been Geography and we are all confident now where the oceans of the world are and we can name the continents too!

We hope that you're all well, we can't wait to see you in September.  Have a good final week!!

Stay safe from Year 2

Monday, 6 July 2020

Year 1

Week 5

Hello everyone! We hope you're having fun at home and enjoying what is left of the sunshine!

Year One have been working very hard at home and at school over the last few weeks and we've been very impressed with all the lovely work we've seen. 

In school, we've read lots of great stories including The Gruffalo and Tip Tap went the Crab. 

We all really enjoyed reading the Gruffalo and lots of us wrote questions that we'd like to ask him. 

Here are some of our favourites!

In Geography, we have been looking at features of Portsmouth and sorting them into "physical" or "human" features. We also compared Portsmouth to our local area in Aldershot and found we have lots of the same things! Many of our favourite human features are closed at the moment but we are lucky to have lots of open space and natural areas to enjoy!

We've also been thinking about staying safe and healthy! Just like the animals we've been learning about, people need food, water and shelter to survive and stay healthy.
We looked at different types of shelters and built our own mini shelters in our playground to test which materials were strong and waterproof. 

Which material do you think worked the best?

We know that we need healthy food to survive as well and we had fun investigating the Eatwell Plate.
We learnt all about the different food groups and enjoyed talking about our favourites from each group. Lots of us like bananas and broccoli - some of our other favourites included avocado and pineapple!

We hope you've all enjoyed finding out who your Year 2 teacher will be and are looking forward to meeting them when you can. They are all very excited to get to know you!

Our year group email is still open so keep sending in your fantastic work - we love seeing what you've been up to!

Stay safe!

Friday, 3 July 2020

Year 2 - Week 5 - WOW Wall!

We can't believe it's Friday already again!  FIVE weeks we've been at the Junior School and we are really enjoying ourselves!  We can't believe there's only two weeks left until the end of term!  We've had a busy week this week and we've worked really hard in both Maths and English.  In English we have really enjoyed writing our autobiographies (Mrs Slater is going to show our new Year 3 teachers!). 

In Maths we have really enjoyed our lessons and we are getting really good at part, part whole.  Towards the end of the week we have been recognising equal parts of a whole and writing unitary fractions.  We've all got so good at it and we're looking forward to Maths next week!

We hope you've had a good week too!  Looking forward to seeing you all soon!  Have a lovely weekend!  Year 2!

Friday, 26 June 2020

Year 2 - RE

Year 2 - Week 4 - WOW Wall

What a busy week we have had this week!  In English we created our very own missing posters for the animals in Shumba's Big Adventure.  We then planned and wrote our very own sequel to the story, which we really enjoyed.  Today we published our sequels and we got to use the publishing pens again!  We're so ready for Year 3!!

We've learnt so much in Maths this week, we now understand the difference between a tally chart, pictogram and block diagrams - we've really enjoyed this!

We have loved topic this week.  We've loved our music session and Geography, where we learnt all about physical features including Mount Everest, the Sahara Desert, the Amazon Rainforest, Niagra Falls and the River Nile.  We're so excited to see what we'll be learning next week!  Hope you're all well - can't wait to see you all!  From Year 2.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Year 2 - WOW Wall!

We have had another great week at school with Mrs Slater!  We have loved learning about tally charts and pictograms in Maths and have enjoyed making our own.  In English, we wrote our very own newspaper report and today we published it!  We even used a handwriting pen which was fantastic! 

We've been very busy with our topic.  We have drawn our own mini-beasts and researched different countries within the seven continents of the world.  Hope you've had a good week too!  See you soon!  Year 2.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Year 2 Wow Wall


We've had another super week at the Juniors.  We're really starting to feel at home!  We have had a busy week this week.  In English we've been thinking about the 5Ws for our newspaper report for the monkeys that escaped at Marwell Zoo.  We've also been adding inverted commas to speech between the animals from Shumba's Big Adventure.  In Maths we've been reading scales, measuring and comparing weights, which we really enjoyed.  We've packed in lots of topic this week too and we've designed our very own fruit salad, explored the map of the world using N, S, E and W and we've been drawing mini-beasts!  We're quite glad it's Friday so we can recharge our batteries ready for next week.  Hope you've had a good week too!  Stay safe!