The children in Early Years have settled in amazingly well, especially as lots of them hadn't been able to go to nursery before coming to school this year. We have spent time learning different sounds in phonics and are starting to read simple words using these sounds. We have mostly been practising careful counting and writing numbers in maths activities.
The children have enjoyed getting creative in their art areas with different media and materials. We have made 'Numberblocks Stampolines' to look at different ways we can make numbers.
For Remembrance Day, the children used different printing techniques to create some beautiful poppy art. Some of it is on display in the classrooms and there is a lovely display which combines work from all of the classes in our shared area.
Our new roleplay areas are a big hit! Last half term we had areas linked to our fairy-tales topic. This half term we have a NASA space station, a hairdressers and a doctors surgery. The children have loved exploring the different resources and playing together cooperatively.
Now we are all busy practising for our Christmas performance which will be filmed on the 8th December.