Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Welcome to Early Years!

 Welcome to all our new year R children and their families! Last week we had family meetings so the children could visit their new classroom and this week we have had a lovely stay and play session too. The children have been really good at coming in without their adults and settling in to their classes. They have been making friends with some new children and some have found friends they knew from preschool. 

We have our new small world area and construction zone in the shared area. The classes will get allocated slots where they can access these spaces while they learn to use the resources and practise tidying up after themselves.

We have been exploring our surroundings and getting used to the rules and routines of school. Lots of the children have been drawing and mark making in different areas of their classrooms. We have been using mirrors to look at our skin tone to try and mix paints for our self portraits. Small World role-play has been very popular with the children starting to create their own stories and using lots of sound effects!