We held another very successful Fobs Third Thursday, with our very popular pocket money sale and second hand uniform sale. Total raised £75.15.
Our next Fobs Third Thursday will be a cake and bake and uniform sale to be held on 18 October at 2.45pm in the school hall. All donations of cakes gratefully received.
Our Christmas Fayre will be on 30 November, where parents will be able to buy their children’s Christmas crafts they make in class. There will also be cakes, raffle, Tombola and lots more besides, not forgetting a chance to see that jolly man in red.
Our next Fobs Third Thursday will be a cake and bake and uniform sale to be held on 18 October at 2.45pm in the school hall. All donations of cakes gratefully received.
Our Christmas Fayre will be on 30 November, where parents will be able to buy their children’s Christmas crafts they make in class. There will also be cakes, raffle, Tombola and lots more besides, not forgetting a chance to see that jolly man in red.