Wednesday, 16 July 2014

String quartet

On Tuesday 15th July 2014 we had a special visit from a string quartet.

The musicians played violins, a viola and a cello. It was interesting to hear how the sound became deeper as the instrument became larger.

We learnt about 'The Four Seasons' by Vivaldi.

They taught us about dynamics in music. We learnt that forte means to play music loudly, and piano means to play quietly.

The quartet played us several pieces of music. They were incredibly talented and we were amazed by their performance.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Art Week 2014

We have had great fun during Art week!
Each year group have been exploring sculpture in different ways.
Year R have been using natural objects to create 'Minibeasts' outside!
     They made spiders, butterflies and bees!

Year 1 have been collaging small flowers using different techniques such as rolling, twisting and bending a range of paper materials.
We then attached them onto a huge flower that Mr LeGrove kindly made for each class...
Here are the final pieces! Look out for them around Belle Vue!
Year 2 have been using clay to create their own self portrait.

Throughout the week we have all explored a range of techniques and had time to create our own materpieces.



 Year 1 clay flowers
Keep your eyes peeled for our fantastic artwork around the school and a big Belle Vue thank you to Mr LeGrove for all of his help and knowledge!