Friday, 4 July 2014

Art Week 2014

We have had great fun during Art week!
Each year group have been exploring sculpture in different ways.
Year R have been using natural objects to create 'Minibeasts' outside!
     They made spiders, butterflies and bees!

Year 1 have been collaging small flowers using different techniques such as rolling, twisting and bending a range of paper materials.
We then attached them onto a huge flower that Mr LeGrove kindly made for each class...
Here are the final pieces! Look out for them around Belle Vue!
Year 2 have been using clay to create their own self portrait.

Throughout the week we have all explored a range of techniques and had time to create our own materpieces.



 Year 1 clay flowers
Keep your eyes peeled for our fantastic artwork around the school and a big Belle Vue thank you to Mr LeGrove for all of his help and knowledge!

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