Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Being creative!

The last week is here and we are still in full swing! 

The children were given some different coloured paints as well as a lot of white paint and given different objects to print with. Lots of the children were inspired by somebody making a snowman so they made their own snowman pictures. Some children added hats, buttons and arms too!

We are busy making our Christmas cards - here is a sneak preview of the cards that Maple Class are making... we don't want to give to much away! 

As well as being creative in the art area, we have been enjoying drawing on the Interactive White Board - one of the children here is drawing a monster! We have been changing the colour and size of the pen we are using and making sure we put our name on the picture so that it can be printed off. The children measure the length of their turn by using a sand timer. 

On top of all of this fun, we have been working hard in our other areas of learning. We have been making the most of exploring how the weather has changed our outside area including when the water tray froze all of the sea creatures - the children enjoyed describing what had happened and explaining why it had happened. 

We hope everybody has a safe and fun break from school for two weeks and we look forward to seeing you back on the 8th of January 2019!

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