Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Welcome back!

Welcome back! 

Our topic this term is 'Under the sea'. Over the last two weeks we have looked at the books 'The Rainbow Fish' and 'Sharing a Shell'; we have been talking about what we can do to be a good friend. Lots of the children have been using these friendship skills inside and outside of the classroom! 

In time for the start of a new term, our role plays have been changed ready for the children to explore. We now have a 'pirate ship', 'under the sea' and a 'seaside' themed role play. We will be changing around the role play areas every two weeks so that every class will have an opportunity to access all of the exciting resources bought for us by the PTA!

The children have been given a Phase 2 keyword sheet. As we have now finished the phase 2 sounds, please practice these words with your children at home until they recognise them as sight words.  

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