We are so pleased that all of the children have come back to join us in Early Years! They have taken the time away from the building in their stride and area pleased to be back in their classrooms with their friends and teachers again. We have spent the week settling back in and remembering the routines that are in place in school and applying some of those skills we have been practising during home learning and key-worker provision since January.
We have been remembering how to do careful counting using different resources and matching amounts to numerals.
There is a lot of independent writing going on - we are using word mats to help us with some of our trickier topic words. This week the children have been writing about Arctic and Antarctic animals after we read the story 'Poles Apart' by Jeanne Willis and Jarvis.
Lots of teamwork has been happening in our new role-play areas and with our construction toys. The children have been talking with each other about models they are making and working out what bits they might need next.
The adults have enjoyed being able to play some different games with the children and have been really impressed with their turn-taking skills. We are getting good at recognising the number we have rolled on a dice without having to count all of the dots.
And of course, there has been lots of practising of our tricky words that we are learning to read. The children have enjoyed uncovering the words and reading them aloud.
A big thank you again for all of the support during home learning and hopefully we won't need to worry about that again any time soon!
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