Friday, 26 June 2020

Year 2 - RE

Year 2 - Week 4 - WOW Wall

What a busy week we have had this week!  In English we created our very own missing posters for the animals in Shumba's Big Adventure.  We then planned and wrote our very own sequel to the story, which we really enjoyed.  Today we published our sequels and we got to use the publishing pens again!  We're so ready for Year 3!!

We've learnt so much in Maths this week, we now understand the difference between a tally chart, pictogram and block diagrams - we've really enjoyed this!

We have loved topic this week.  We've loved our music session and Geography, where we learnt all about physical features including Mount Everest, the Sahara Desert, the Amazon Rainforest, Niagra Falls and the River Nile.  We're so excited to see what we'll be learning next week!  Hope you're all well - can't wait to see you all!  From Year 2.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Year 2 - WOW Wall!

We have had another great week at school with Mrs Slater!  We have loved learning about tally charts and pictograms in Maths and have enjoyed making our own.  In English, we wrote our very own newspaper report and today we published it!  We even used a handwriting pen which was fantastic! 

We've been very busy with our topic.  We have drawn our own mini-beasts and researched different countries within the seven continents of the world.  Hope you've had a good week too!  See you soon!  Year 2.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Year 2 Wow Wall


We've had another super week at the Juniors.  We're really starting to feel at home!  We have had a busy week this week.  In English we've been thinking about the 5Ws for our newspaper report for the monkeys that escaped at Marwell Zoo.  We've also been adding inverted commas to speech between the animals from Shumba's Big Adventure.  In Maths we've been reading scales, measuring and comparing weights, which we really enjoyed.  We've packed in lots of topic this week too and we've designed our very own fruit salad, explored the map of the world using N, S, E and W and we've been drawing mini-beasts!  We're quite glad it's Friday so we can recharge our batteries ready for next week.  Hope you've had a good week too!  Stay safe!